Uses of Interface
Packages that use ChronoElement
The main package contains four basic types of ISO-8601, namely
, PlainTime
, PlainTimestamp
and Moment
.Support for various regional calendars.
Support for the Badi calendar.
Support for the French revolutionary calendar.
Support for the traditional Hindu calendar family.
Defines the common generic schemes and interfaces of chronological
Defines common interfaces for any format support of Time4J.
This package contains the expert-level format- and parse engine of Time4J.
Support for the historical ancestors of modern ISO-8601-standard.
Interval support.
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j
Subinterfaces of ChronoElement in net.time4jModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Extends a chronological element by some standard ways of manipulation.interface
Represents the calendar date.interface
NavigableElement<V extends Enum<V>>
Defines additional enum-based operators for setting new element values taking into account the old element value.interface
The element for the ordinal weekday in month.interface
ProportionalElement<V extends Number,T>
Defines an element which can interprete its value as proportional value.interface
Represents the wall time.interface
Extends a chronological element by some zonal queries.Fields in net.time4j declared as ChronoElementModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic ChronoElement<Integer>
Element with the day of month in the value range1-28/29/30/31
.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the nano-fraction of current second.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Element with the calendar month in numerical form and the value range1-12
.static ChronoElement<Month>
Element with the calendar month as enum in the value rangeJANUARY-DECEMBER
).static ChronoElement<Long>
Represents the POSIX-time in seconds since UNIX-epoch.static ChronoElement<TimeUnit>
Represents the precision.static ChronoElement<ClockUnit>
Defines the precision as the smallest non-zero time element and truncates time parts of higher precision if necessary.Methods in net.time4j with parameters of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
GeneralTimestamp.contains(ChronoElement<?> element)
ZonalDateTime.contains(ChronoElement<?> element)
<V> V
GeneralTimestamp.get(ChronoElement<V> element)
<V> V
ZonalDateTime.get(ChronoElement<V> element)
GeneralTimestamp.getInt(ChronoElement<Integer> element)
ZonalDateTime.getInt(ChronoElement<Integer> element)
<V> V
GeneralTimestamp.getMaximum(ChronoElement<V> element)
<V> V
ZonalDateTime.getMaximum(ChronoElement<V> element)
<V> V
GeneralTimestamp.getMinimum(ChronoElement<V> element)
<V> V
ZonalDateTime.getMinimum(ChronoElement<V> element)
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j.calendar
Subinterfaces of ChronoElement in net.time4j.calendarModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
The element for the ordinal weekday in month.interface
Extends a chronological element by some standard ways of manipulation.Fields in net.time4j.calendar declared as ChronoElementModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic ChronoElement<Meridiem>
Behaves likePlainTime.AM_PM_OF_DAY
.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the historic century.static ChronoElement<HebrewTime.ClockCycle>
Marks the period between either sunset and sunrise (NIGHT) or sunrise and sunset (DAY).static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the cycle number related to the introduction of sexagesimal cycles by the legendary yellow emperor Huang-Di on -2636-02-15 (gregorian).static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the cycle number related to the introduction of sexagesimal cycles by the legendary yellow emperor Huang-Di on -2636-02-15 (gregorian).static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the cycle number related to the introduction of sexagesimal cycles by the legendary Chinese yellow emperor Huang-Di on -2636-02-15 (gregorian).static ChronoElement<HistoricDate>
Represents the Julian date.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the Julian day of month.static ChronoElement<Weekday>
Represents the Julian day of week.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the Julian day of year.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Behaves likePlainTime.DIGITAL_HOUR_OF_DAY
with the hour range 0-23.static ChronoElement<ChineseEra>
Represents the Chinese era.static ChronoElement<CopticEra>
Represents the Coptic era.static ChronoElement<EthiopianEra>
Represents the Ethiopian era.static ChronoElement<HebrewEra>
Represents the Hebrew era.static ChronoElement<HijriEra>
Represents the islamic era.static ChronoElement<HistoricEra>
Represents the historic era.static ChronoElement<IndianEra>
Represents the Indian era.static ChronoElement<JucheEra>
Represents the Juche era which cannot be changed.static ChronoElement<HistoricEra>
Represents the Julian era.static ChronoElement<KoreanEra>
Represents the Korean era.static ChronoElement<MinguoEra>
Represents the Minguo era which cannot be changed.static ChronoElement<PersianEra>
Represents the Persian era.static ChronoElement<ThaiSolarEra>
Represents the Thai era.static ChronoElement<Integer>
The Ethiopian hour with the range 1-12 which is 6 hours behind the western clock.static ChronoElement<Evangelist>
Represents the evangelist associated with a year of the Ethiopian leap year cycle.static ChronoElement<PlainTime>
Behaves likePlainTime.COMPONENT
and serves for conversion.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Counts the years since the supposed foundation date of Japan by the legendary emperor Jimmu.static ChronoElement<Integer>
The minute of hour with the range 0-59.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the related gregorian year which corresponds to the start of any given non-gregorian calendar year.static ChronoElement<Integer>
The second of minute with the range 0-59.static ChronoElement<SolarTerm>
Represents the solar term as one of 24 possible stations of the sun on the ecliptic.static ChronoElement<SolarTerm>
Represents the solar term as one of 24 possible stations of the sun on the ecliptic.static ChronoElement<SolarTerm>
Represents the solar term as one of 24 possible stations of the sun on the ecliptic.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the Julian year.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the Korean year related to the Korean era.Methods in net.time4j.calendar with parameters of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
PersianCalendar.Date.contains(ChronoElement<?> element)
<V> V
PersianCalendar.Date.get(ChronoElement<V> element)
PersianCalendar.Date.getInt(ChronoElement<Integer> element)
<V> V
PersianCalendar.Date.getMaximum(ChronoElement<V> element)
<V> V
PersianCalendar.Date.getMinimum(ChronoElement<V> element)
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j.calendar.bahai
Fields in net.time4j.calendar.bahai declared as ChronoElementModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic ChronoElement<BadiIntercalaryDays>
Represents the period of intercalary days if available.static ChronoElement<BadiEra>
Represents the Bahai era.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Represents the major cycle (kull-i-shai).Methods in net.time4j.calendar.bahai with parameters of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
BadiCalendar.contains(ChronoElement<?> element)
<V> boolean
BadiCalendar.isValid(ChronoElement<V> element, V value)
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j.calendar.frenchrev
Fields in net.time4j.calendar.frenchrev declared as ChronoElementModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic ChronoElement<DayOfDecade>
Represents the days of decade which consists of ten days.static ChronoElement<FrenchRepublicanEra>
Represents the Republican era of the French revolution.static ChronoElement<Sansculottides>
Represents the complementary days of the French revolutionary calendar.Methods in net.time4j.calendar.frenchrev with parameters of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
FrenchRepublicanCalendar.contains(ChronoElement<?> element)
FrenchRepublicanCalendar.Date.contains(ChronoElement<?> element)
<V> V
FrenchRepublicanCalendar.Date.get(ChronoElement<V> element)
FrenchRepublicanCalendar.Date.getInt(ChronoElement<Integer> element)
<V> V
FrenchRepublicanCalendar.Date.getMaximum(ChronoElement<V> element)
<V> V
FrenchRepublicanCalendar.Date.getMinimum(ChronoElement<V> element)
<V> boolean
FrenchRepublicanCalendar.isValid(ChronoElement<V> element, V value)
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j.calendar.hindu
Subinterfaces of ChronoElement in net.time4j.calendar.hinduModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
AdjustableTextElement<V extends HinduPrimitive>
Extends a chronological element by some standard ways of manipulation.Fields in net.time4j.calendar.hindu declared as ChronoElementModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic ChronoElement<HinduEra>
Represents the Hindu era. -
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j.engine
Classes in net.time4j.engine that implement ChronoElementModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
BasicElement<V extends Comparable<V>>
Abstract base implementation of a chronological element which has a name and can also define an (unregistered) element rule.class
Defines elements based on different epoch-related day numbers.class
A specialized element for indicating special state during parsing.class
A specialized element for communicating validation failures during parsing.Methods in net.time4j.engine that return ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTimeAxis.element()
Yields this time axis as chronological self-referencing element.ElementRule.getChildAtCeiling(T context)
Yields the child element whose value is to be set to the maximum value.ElementRule.getChildAtFloor(T context)
Yields the child element whose value is to be set to the minimum value.Methods in net.time4j.engine that return types with arguments of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSet<ChronoElement<?>>
ChronoExtension.getElements(Locale locale, AttributeQuery attributes)
Returns the element set for given configuration.Set<ChronoElement<?>>
Yields all registered elements of this instance.Set<ChronoElement<?>>
Returns all registered chronological elements.Methods in net.time4j.engine with parameters of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V> CalendarFamily.Builder<T>
CalendarFamily.Builder.appendElement(ChronoElement<V> element, ElementRule<T,V> rule)
<V> Chronology.Builder<T>
Chronology.Builder.appendElement(ChronoElement<V> element, ElementRule<T,V> rule)
Registers a new element together with its associated element rule.<V> TimeAxis.Builder<U,T>
TimeAxis.Builder.appendElement(ChronoElement<V> element, ElementRule<T,V> rule)
<V> TimeAxis.Builder<U,T>
TimeAxis.Builder.appendElement(ChronoElement<V> element, ElementRule<T,V> rule, U baseUnit)
Registers a new element with associated rule and a base unit.static <T extends ChronoEntity<T>>
ChronoOperator<T>StdOperator.atCeiling(ChronoElement<?> element)
Yields an operator which rounds any entity up so that the child elements will be set to the maximum.static <T extends ChronoEntity<T>>
ChronoOperator<T>StdOperator.atFloor(ChronoElement<?> element)
Yields an operator which rounds any entity down so that the child elements will be set to the minimum.default boolean
ChronoExtension.canResolve(ChronoElement<?> element)
Gives a hint to the parser if the element in question can be resolved byresolve()
ChronoDisplay.contains(ChronoElement<?> element)
Queries if the value for given chronological element can be accessed viaget(element)
ChronoEntity.contains(ChronoElement<?> element)
static <T extends ChronoEntity<T>>
ChronoOperator<T>StdOperator.decremented(ChronoElement<?> element)
Yields a new operator which can set any entity such that its actual element value gets the decremented value.<V> V
ChronoDisplay.get(ChronoElement<V> element)
Returns the partial value associated with given chronological element.<V> V
ChronoEntity.get(ChronoElement<V> element)
TimeAxis.getBaseUnit(ChronoElement<?> element)
Returns the base unit of given element if available.default int
ChronoDisplay.getInt(ChronoElement<Integer> element)
Returns the partial value associated with given chronological
ChronoEntity.getInt(ChronoElement<Integer> element)
<V> V
ChronoDisplay.getMaximum(ChronoElement<V> element)
Yields the maximum value of given chronological element in the current context of this object.<V> V
ChronoEntity.getMaximum(ChronoElement<V> element)
<V> V
ChronoDisplay.getMinimum(ChronoElement<V> element)
Yields the minimum value of given chronological element in the current context of this object.<V> V
ChronoEntity.getMinimum(ChronoElement<V> element)
TimeAxis.hasBaseUnit(ChronoElement<?> element)
Queries if given element has a base unit.static <T extends ChronoEntity<T>>
ChronoOperator<T>StdOperator.incremented(ChronoElement<?> element)
Yields a new operator which can set any entity such that its actual element value gets the incremented value.boolean
Chronology.isRegistered(ChronoElement<?> element)
Queries if given chronological element is registered together with its element rule.boolean
BridgeChronology.isSupported(ChronoElement<?> element)
This chronology does not itself support any elements.boolean
CalendarFamily.isSupported(ChronoElement<?> element)
Chronology.isSupported(ChronoElement<?> element)
Queries if given chronological element is supported by this chronology.boolean
ChronoEntity.isValid(ChronoElement<Integer> element, int value)
Tests if the value for given chronological value is invalid.boolean
ChronoEntity.isValid(ChronoElement<Long> element, long value)
Tests if the value for given chronological value is invalid.<V> boolean
ChronoEntity.isValid(ChronoElement<V> element, V value)
Tests if the value for given chronological value is invalid.static <T extends ChronoEntity<T>>
ChronoOperator<T>StdOperator.maximized(ChronoElement<?> element)
Yields a new operator which can set any entity to its maximum element value.static <T extends ChronoEntity<T>>
ChronoOperator<T>StdOperator.minimized(ChronoElement<?> element)
Yields a new operator which can set any entity to its minimum element value.static <T extends ChronoEntity<T>, V>
ChronoOperator<T>StdOperator.newValue(V value, ChronoElement<V> element)
Yields an operator which sets any entity such that its actual element value will be set in normal mode to given value.static <T extends ChronoEntity<T>, V>
ChronoOperator<T>StdOperator.setLenient(V value, ChronoElement<V> element)
Yields an operator which sets any entity such that its actual element value will be set in lenient mode to given value.ChronoEntity.with(ChronoElement<Integer> element, int value)
Creates a copy of this instance with the changed element value.ChronoEntity.with(ChronoElement<Long> element, long value)
Creates a copy of this instance with the changed element value.<V> T
ChronoEntity.with(ChronoElement<V> element, V value)
Creates a copy of this instance with the changed element value. -
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j.format
Subinterfaces of ChronoElement in net.time4j.formatModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
NumericalElement<V extends Enum<V>>
A chronological element which allows a numerical representation.interface
A chronological element which can be formatted as text or can be parsed from a text.Classes in net.time4j.format that implement ChronoElementModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DisplayElement<V extends Comparable<V>>
Standard element which offers localized names for display purposes (in most cases).Methods in net.time4j.format with parameters of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V extends Enum<V>>
TextAccessorCalendarText.getTextForms(ChronoElement<V> element, String... variants)
Yields anAccessor
for all text forms of given chronological element. -
Uses of ChronoElement in
Methods in that return ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionElementPosition.getElement()
Yields the formatted chronolocial element.Methods in with parameters of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescription<V extends ChronoEntity<V>>
ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>ChronoFormatter.Builder.addCustomized(ChronoElement<V> element, ChronoFormatter<V> formatter)
Defines a customized format element for given chronological element.<V> ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>
ChronoFormatter.Builder.addCustomized(ChronoElement<V> element, ChronoPrinter<V> printer, ChronoParser<V> parser)
Defines a customized format element for given chronological element.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addEnglishOrdinal(ChronoElement<Integer> element)
Defines an ordinal format for given chronological element in english language.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addFixedDecimal(ChronoElement<BigDecimal> element)
Equivalent toaddFixedDecimal(element, 11, 9)
.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addFixedDecimal(ChronoElement<BigDecimal> element, int precision, int scale)
Defines a fixed unsigned decimal format for given chronological element.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addFixedInteger(ChronoElement<Integer> element, int digits)
Defines an integer format without sign and with fixed width for given chronological element.<V extends Enum<V>>
ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>ChronoFormatter.Builder.addFixedNumerical(ChronoElement<V> element, int digits)
Defines an integer format without sign and with fixed width for given chronological enumeration element.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addFraction(ChronoElement<Integer> element, int minDigits, int maxDigits, boolean decimalSeparator)
Defines a fractional format for given chronological element including a possible decimal separator char but without any integer part by mapping the context-dependent value range to the interval [0.0-1.0).ChronoFormatter.Builder.addInteger(ChronoElement<Integer> element, int minDigits, int maxDigits)
Defines an integer format without sign for given chronological element.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addInteger(ChronoElement<Integer> element, int minDigits, int maxDigits, SignPolicy signPolicy)
Defines an integer format for given chronological element.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addLongNumber(ChronoElement<Long> element, int minDigits, int maxDigits, SignPolicy signPolicy)
Defines an integer format for given chronological element.<V extends Enum<V>>
ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>ChronoFormatter.Builder.addNumerical(ChronoElement<V> element, int minDigits, int maxDigits)
Defines an integer format without sign for given chronological enumeration element.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addOrdinal(ChronoElement<Integer> element, Map<PluralCategory,String> indicators)
Defines an ordinal format for given chronological element.<V extends Enum<V>>
ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>ChronoFormatter.Builder.addText(ChronoElement<V> element)
Defines a text format for given chronological element.<V extends Enum<V>>
ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>ChronoFormatter.Builder.addText(ChronoElement<V> element, Function<V,String> converter)
Defines a text format for given chronological element with a user-defined string conversion.<V> ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>
ChronoFormatter.Builder.addText(ChronoElement<V> element, Map<V,String> lookup)
Defines a text format for given chronological element with user-defined string resources.ChronoFormatter.Builder.addTwoDigitYear(ChronoElement<Integer> element)
Defines a special format element for a two-digit-year.<V> ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>
ChronoFormatter.Builder.setDefault(ChronoElement<V> element, V value)
Defines a default value if the parser has not parsed or found a value for given element.<V> ChronoFormatter.Builder<T>
ChronoFormatter.Builder.setDefaultSupplier(ChronoElement<V> element, Supplier<V> supplier)
Defines a supplier for a default value if the parser has not parsed or found a value for given element.<V> ChronoFormatter<T>
ChronoFormatter.withDefault(ChronoElement<V> element, V value)
Determines a default replacement value for given element.<V> ChronoFormatter<T>
ChronoFormatter.withDefaultSource(ChronoElement<V> element, ChronoElement<V> source)
Determines a source reference in parsed data for a default replacement value of given element.<V> ChronoFormatter<T>
ChronoFormatter.withDefaultSupplier(ChronoElement<V> element, Supplier<V> supplier)
Determines a supplier for a default replacement value of given element.Constructors in with parameters of type ChronoElementModifierConstructorDescriptionElementPosition(ChronoElement<?> element, int startIndex, int endIndex)
Creates a new instance of anElementPosition
. -
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j.history
Methods in net.time4j.history that return ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionChronoHistory.centuryOfEra()
Defines the element for the century of a year in a given historic
Defines the element for the historic date.ChronoHistory.dayOfMonth()
Defines the element for the historic day of month.ChronoHistory.dayOfYear()
Defines the element for the historic day of year.ChronoHistory.era()
Defines the element for the historic era.ChronoHistory.yearOfEra(YearDefinition yearDefinition)
Defines the element for the year of a given historic era.Methods in net.time4j.history that return types with arguments of type ChronoElementModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSet<ChronoElement<?>>
Yields all associated elements. -
Uses of ChronoElement in net.time4j.range
Fields in net.time4j.range declared as ChronoElementModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic ChronoElement<Weekday>
Denotes the end of this span of weekdays (inclusive).static ChronoElement<Integer>
Element with the month as number in the value range1 - 12
.static ChronoElement<Month>
Element with the month of year in the value rangeJanuary - December
.static ChronoElement<Quarter>
Element with the quarter of year in the value rangeQ1-Q4
.static ChronoElement<Weekday>
Denotes the start of this span of weekdays.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Element with the week of year in the value range1-52/53
.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Element with the proleptic iso-year without any era reference and the value range-999999999
.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Element with the proleptic iso-year without any era reference and the value range-999999999
.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Element with the proleptic iso-year without any era reference and the value range-999999999
.static ChronoElement<Integer>
Defines an element for the week-based year in an ISO-8601-weekdate.