Package net.time4j.calendar.hindu

package net.time4j.calendar.hindu

Support for the traditional Hindu calendar family.

  • Interface Summary
    Extends a chronological element by some standard ways of manipulation.
  • Class Summary
    The traditional Hindu calendar which exists in many regional variants throughout the Indian subcontinent.
    The Hindu day of month extends between 1 and at maximum 32 and might also have a leap state when used in lunisolar context.
    The Hindu month varies in length and might also have a leap state when used in lunisolar context.
    Abstract super class of Hindu months or days which can carry a leap status in the lunisolar variants of the Hindu calendar.
    The Hindu calendar variants differ on various sets of calculations, month names and the choice of era.
  • Enum Class Summary
    Enum Class
    A set of calculations developed by Arya Siddhanta of Aryabhata in Julian year 499 AD, mentioned by Lalla at about 720-790 AD.
    The Hindu calendar supports several eras in different regions of Indian subcontinent.
    The Hindu calendar variants use a set of different algorithmic rules how to determine the start of solar month in relation to the zodiacal position of the sun (samkranti).