Package net.time4j

Interface ProportionalElement<V extends Number,​T>

Type Parameters:
V - generic number type of element values
T - generic type of target entity an operator is applied to
All Superinterfaces:
AdjustableElement<V,​T>, ChronoElement<V>, Comparator<ChronoDisplay>, ZonalElement<V>

public interface ProportionalElement<V extends Number,​T> extends AdjustableElement<V,​T>

Defines an element which can interprete its value as proportional value.

Meno Hochschild
  • Method Details

    • ratio

      Defines a query which interpretes the value of this element as proportional rational number within the range between minimum and maximum.

      Smaller elements with greater precision are not taken in account. Following expression serves as formula for internal calculation: (value - min) / (max - min + 1). Example:

        import static net.time4j.PlainTime.MINUTE_OF_HOUR;
        PlainTime time = PlainTime.of(12, 45, 30); // T12:45:30
        // output: 0.75 [= (45 - 0) / (59 - 0 + 1)]

      Note: In timezone-related timestamps possible jumps in local time will be conserved. That means that minimum and maximum do not take in account if they fall into a daylight saving gap or if there is any kind of offset shift between them.

      query for proportional value
    • setLenient

      ElementOperator<T> setLenient(V value)

      Adjusts any kind of entity such that this element will be set to the given value in lenient mode.

        import static net.time4j.PlainDate.MONTH_OF_YEAR;
            PlainDate.of(2011, 5, 31).with(MONTH_OF_YEAR.setLenient(13)));
        // output: 2012-01-31 (addition of 13 - 5 = 8 Monaten)

      Leniency does not always prevent exceptions. For example setting of extreme values like Long.MIN_VALUE can cause an ArithmeticException. Furthermore, moving the value of SECOND_OF_MINUTE to the past applied on a Moment can trigger a ChronoException if this action changes to the pre-UTC-era before 1972.

      value - new value to be set in lenient way
      operator directly applicable also on PlainTimestamp
    • roundedUp

      ChronoOperator<T> roundedUp(int stepwidth)

      Rounds this chronological element up and makes its numerical value an integral multiple of given step width if possible.

        import static net.time4j.PlainTime.MINUTE_OF_HOUR;
            PlainTime.of(18, 38).with(MINUTE_OF_HOUR.roundedUp(15)));
        // output: T18:45

      The new element value will always be set in lenient mode. Example:

        import static net.time4j.PlainTime.MINUTE_OF_HOUR;
            PlainTime.of(18, 49).with(MINUTE_OF_HOUR.roundedUp(15)));
        // output: T19 corresponding to T18:60 (60 as multiple of 15)
      stepwidth - controls the limits within the rounding will occur
      rounding operator in ceiling mode
      See Also:
    • roundedHalf

      ChronoOperator<T> roundedHalf(int stepwidth)

      Rounds this chronological element up or down and makes its numerical value an integral multiple of given step width if possible.

        import static net.time4j.PlainTime.MINUTE_OF_HOUR;
            PlainTime.of(18, 38).with(MINUTE_OF_HOUR.roundedHalf(15)));
        // output: T18:45
            PlainTime.of(18, 37).with(MINUTE_OF_HOUR.roundedHalf(15)));
        // output: T18:30

      The new element value will always be set in lenient mode. Is the current value nearer to the lower limit then this function will round down else round up.

      stepwidth - controls the limits within the rounding will occur
      rounding operator in ceiling or floor mode dependent on actual element value
      See Also:
      roundedUp(int), roundedDown(int)
    • roundedDown

      ChronoOperator<T> roundedDown(int stepwidth)

      Rounds this chronological element down and makes its numerical value an integral multiple of given step width if possible.

        import static net.time4j.PlainTime.MINUTE_OF_HOUR;
            PlainTime.of(18, 38).with(MINUTE_OF_HOUR.roundedDown(15)));
        // output: T18:30

      The new element value will always be set in lenient mode. Example:

        import static net.time4j.PlainTime.CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY;
            PlainTime.of(2, 30).with(CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY.roundedDown(3)));
        // output: T0
      stepwidth - controls the limits within the rounding will occur
      rounding operator in floor mode
      See Also: