Uses of Package
Packages that use net.time4j.engine
The main package contains four basic types of ISO-8601, namely
, PlainTime
, PlainTimestamp
and Moment
.Support for various regional calendars.
Contains classes related to calendrical astronomy.
Support for the Badi calendar.
Support for the French revolutionary calendar.
Support for the traditional Hindu calendar family.
Defines the common generic schemes and interfaces of chronological
Defines common interfaces for any format support of Time4J.
This package contains the expert-level format- and parse engine of Time4J.
Temporal formatters which access the platform specific resources.
Support for the historical ancestors of modern ISO-8601-standard.
Interval support.
Bridge to JDBC.
Bridge to XML.
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4jClassDescriptionDefines a timespan using the default algorithm of Time4J.Abstract time unit class which can define its own rule.Represents a general calendar date.Represents a count of calendar days.Represents a set of various calendar systems as members of a family.Represents an immutable calendar variant.Abstract base class of all plain calendar date types which are convertible via their day epoch numbers.Represents a temporal condition.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.Represents any temporal query using the strategy pattern approach.Represents a system of chronological elements which form any kind of temporal value.Applies a functional calculation on chronological entities and yields the result as changed copy.External time units which are not registered on any chronology (time axis) can implement this interface in order to support standard calculations in time spans and symbol formatting.Serves as bridge to temporal types of JDK or other date and time libraries.Defines elements based on different epoch-related day numbers.This
can be used to document all chronological elements which allow formatted representations.Normalizes a time span.Defines the start of a given calendar day relative to midnight in seconds.Represents an object which can be sorted on a time axis in a temporal-only way.Defines the implementing chronological entity asTemporalAccessor
.A time axis is a dynamic view on a chronology where a system of registered time units is used to define a time arithmetic for any time points belonging to this time axis respective chronology.Computes temporal distances on a time axis as time spans.Represents an immutable time point along a time axis which is directed into the future.Represents a common time span with an associated sign and a sequence of time units and related amounts.Represents a single item of a time span which is based on only one time unit and has a non-negative amount.Provides the name of any calendar variant. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.calendarClassDescriptionDefines a key for a format attribute as type-safe accessor.Represents a general calendar date.Represents an era in a calendar system.Represents a set of various calendar systems as members of a family.Represents an immutable calendar variant.Abstract base class of all plain calendar date types which are convertible via their day epoch numbers.Represents a temporal condition.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.Represents any temporal query using the strategy pattern approach.Represents a system of chronological elements which form any kind of temporal value.Applies a functional calculation on chronological entities and yields the result as changed copy.External time units which are not registered on any chronology (time axis) can implement this interface in order to support standard calculations in time spans and symbol formatting.This
can be used to document all chronological elements which allow formatted representations.Defines the start of a given calendar day relative to midnight in seconds.Represents an object which can be sorted on a time axis in a temporal-only way.A time axis is a dynamic view on a chronology where a system of registered time units is used to define a time arithmetic for any time points belonging to this time axis respective chronology.Represents an immutable time point along a time axis which is directed into the future.Provides the name of any calendar variant. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.calendar.astroClassDescriptionRepresents a general calendar date.Represents a temporal condition.Represents any temporal query using the strategy pattern approach.
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.calendar.bahaiClassDescriptionDefines a key for a format attribute as type-safe accessor.Represents a general calendar date.Represents an era in a calendar system.Abstract base class of all plain calendar date types which are convertible via their day epoch numbers.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.External time units which are not registered on any chronology (time axis) can implement this interface in order to support standard calculations in time spans and symbol formatting.This
can be used to document all chronological elements which allow formatted representations.Represents an object which can be sorted on a time axis in a temporal-only way.A time axis is a dynamic view on a chronology where a system of registered time units is used to define a time arithmetic for any time points belonging to this time axis respective chronology.Represents an immutable time point along a time axis which is directed into the future. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.calendar.frenchrevClassDescriptionDefines a key for a format attribute as type-safe accessor.Represents a general calendar date.Represents an era in a calendar system.Abstract base class of all plain calendar date types which are convertible via their day epoch numbers.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.External time units which are not registered on any chronology (time axis) can implement this interface in order to support standard calculations in time spans and symbol formatting.This
can be used to document all chronological elements which allow formatted representations.Represents an object which can be sorted on a time axis in a temporal-only way.A time axis is a dynamic view on a chronology where a system of registered time units is used to define a time arithmetic for any time points belonging to this time axis respective chronology.Represents an immutable time point along a time axis which is directed into the future. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.calendar.hinduClassDescriptionDefines a key for a format attribute as type-safe accessor.Represents a general calendar date.Represents an era in a calendar system.Represents a set of various calendar systems as members of a family.Represents an immutable calendar variant.Represents a temporal condition.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.Applies a functional calculation on chronological entities and yields the result as changed copy.This
can be used to document all chronological elements which allow formatted representations.Defines the start of a given calendar day relative to midnight in seconds.Represents an object which can be sorted on a time axis in a temporal-only way.Provides the name of any calendar variant. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.engineClassDescriptionDefines a timespan using the default algorithm of Time4J.Defines a key for a format attribute as type-safe accessor.Type-safe query for format attributes which control the formatting process.Represents a general calendar date.Represents a count of calendar days.Represents an era in a calendar system.Represents a set of various calendar systems as members of a family.Creates a builder for a new calendar family and will only be used during loading a class of a calendar variant in a static initializer.Represents a calendar system which can map a calendar date to a day number corresponding to the count of days elapsed since UTC epoch [1972-01-01].Represents an immutable calendar variant.Abstract base class of all plain calendar date types which are convertible via their day epoch numbers.Represents a temporal condition.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.Indicates a chronological error situation.Defines a configuration-dependent extension of the chronological elements of a
used in formatting and parsing.Represents any temporal query using the strategy pattern approach.Represents a system of chronological elements which form any kind of temporal value.Builder for creating a new chronology without any time axis.Merges any set of chronological informations to a new chronological entity.Applies a functional calculation on chronological entities and yields the result as changed copy.External time units which are not registered on any chronology (time axis) can implement this interface in order to support standard calculations in time spans and symbol formatting.Serves as bridge to temporal types of JDK or other date and time libraries.Deprecated.Represents the rule of a chronological element how to calculate or to manipulate its context-dependent temporal value.Defines elements based on different epoch-related day numbers.A specialized element for indicating special state during parsing.Defines the start of a given calendar day relative to midnight in seconds.Represents an object which can be sorted on a time axis in a temporal-only way.A time axis is a dynamic view on a chronology where a system of registered time units is used to define a time arithmetic for any time points belonging to this time axis respective chronology.Creates a builder for a new time axis respective chronology and will only be used during loading a class of typeTimePoint (T)
in a static initializer.Represents a time axis where a point in time can be moved forward or backward.Computes temporal distances on a time axis as time spans.Represents an immutable time point along a time axis which is directed into the future.Represents a common time span with an associated sign and a sequence of time units and related amounts.Represents a single item of a time span which is based on only one time unit and has a non-negative amount.Represents a rule for the addition or subtraction associated with a time unit.A specialized element for communicating validation failures during parsing.Provides the name of any calendar variant. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.formatClassDescriptionDefines a key for a format attribute as type-safe accessor.Type-safe query for format attributes which control the formatting process.Abstract base implementation of a chronological element which has a name and can also define an (unregistered) element rule.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.Indicates a chronological error situation.Represents a system of chronological elements which form any kind of temporal value.Deprecated.Use
insteadDefines the start of a given calendar day relative to midnight in seconds.Represents a common time span with an associated sign and a sequence of time units and related amounts. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.format.expertClassDescriptionDefines a key for a format attribute as type-safe accessor.Type-safe query for format attributes which control the formatting process.Represents a general calendar date.Represents a set of various calendar systems as members of a family.Represents an immutable calendar variant.Abstract base class of all plain calendar date types which are convertible via their day epoch numbers.Represents a temporal condition.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.Represents a system of chronological elements which form any kind of temporal value.Defines the start of a given calendar day relative to midnight in seconds.Provides the name of any calendar variant.
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.format.platformClassDescriptionType-safe query for format attributes which control the formatting process.
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.historyClassDescriptionDefines a key for a format attribute as type-safe accessor.Represents an era in a calendar system.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).This
can be used to document all chronological elements which allow formatted representations.Provides the name of any calendar variant. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.rangeClassDescriptionRepresents a set of various calendar systems as members of a family.Represents an immutable calendar variant.Abstract base class of all plain calendar date types which are convertible via their day epoch numbers.Represents a temporal condition.Represents a view on a set of chronological elements associated with their temporal values.Represents a chronological element which refers to a partial value of the whole temporal value and mainly serves for formatting purposes (as a carrier of a chronological information).Represents a temporal object which associates partial temporal values with chronological elements and also allows some manipulations of these element values.Represents any temporal query using the strategy pattern approach.Represents a system of chronological elements which form any kind of temporal value.Applies a functional calculation on chronological entities and yields the result as changed copy.This
can be used to document all chronological elements which allow formatted representations.Represents an object which can be sorted on a time axis in a temporal-only way.Defines the implementing chronological entity asTemporalAccessor
.A time axis is a dynamic view on a chronology where a system of registered time units is used to define a time arithmetic for any time points belonging to this time axis respective chronology.Represents a time axis where a point in time can be moved forward or backward.Represents an immutable time point along a time axis which is directed into the future.Represents a common time span with an associated sign and a sequence of time units and related amounts.Represents a single item of a time span which is based on only one time unit and has a non-negative amount.Provides the name of any calendar variant. -
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.sqlClassDescriptionServes as bridge to temporal types of JDK or other date and time libraries.
Classes in net.time4j.engine used by net.time4j.xmlClassDescriptionServes as bridge to temporal types of JDK or other date and time libraries.