Uses of Class
Packages that use ZonalTransition
General timezone-API.
Permits the construction of historized or rule-based timezones.
Uses of ZonalTransition in
Methods in that return ZonalTransitionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTransitionHistory.getConflictTransition(GregorianDate localDate, WallTime localTime)
Returns the conflict transition where given local timestamp falls either in a gap or in an overlap on the local timeline.TransitionHistory.getStartTransition(UnixTime ut)
Queries the last transition which defines the offset for given global timestamp.Methods in that return types with arguments of type ZonalTransitionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Optional<ZonalTransition>
TransitionHistory.findConflictTransition(GregorianDate localDate, WallTime localTime)
Returns the conflict transition where given local timestamp falls either in a gap or in an overlap on the local timeline.TransitionHistory.findNextTransition(UnixTime ut)
Queries the next transition after given global timestamp.default Optional<ZonalTransition>
TransitionHistory.findPreviousTransition(UnixTime ut)
Queries the previous transition which defines the offset for a global timestamp immediately before given reference timestamp.default Optional<ZonalTransition>
TransitionHistory.findStartTransition(UnixTime ut)
Queries the last transition which defines the offset for given global timestamp.TransitionHistory.getStdTransitions()
Return the offset transitions from UNIX epoch [1970-01-01T00:00Z] until about one year after the current timestamp.TransitionHistory.getTransitions(UnixTime startInclusive, UnixTime endExclusive)
Returns the defined transitions in given POSIX-interval.Methods in with parameters of type ZonalTransitionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
ZonalTransition.compareTo(ZonalTransition other)
Compares preferrably the timeline order based on the global timestamps of transitions, otherwise the total shift and finally the extra shift. -
Uses of ZonalTransition in
Method parameters in with type arguments of type ZonalTransitionModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic TransitionHistory
TransitionModel.of(List<ZonalTransition> transitions)
Creates a new array-based and finite transition history.static TransitionHistory
TransitionModel.of(ZonalOffset initialOffset, List<ZonalTransition> transitions, List<DaylightSavingRule> rules)
Creates a transition history of both history transitions and rules for future transitions as well.