Uses of Class
Packages that use EastAsianCalendar
Uses of EastAsianCalendar in net.time4j.calendar
Classes in net.time4j.calendar with type parameters of type EastAsianCalendarModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
EastAsianCalendar<U,D extends EastAsianCalendar<U,D>>
Base class of all calendars which are derivates of the lunisolar rural calendar invented in China.Subclasses of EastAsianCalendar in net.time4j.calendarModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Represents the Chinese calendar supported in the gregorian range 1645-01-28/3000-01-27.class
Represents the traditional Koran calendar supported in the gregorian range 1645-01-28/3000-01-27.class
Represents the Vietnamese calendar supported in the gregorian range 1813-02-01/3000-01-27.Methods in net.time4j.calendar with type parameters of type EastAsianCalendarModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <D extends EastAsianCalendar<?, D>>
List<D>SolarTerm.list(int gregorianYear, Chronology<D> chronology)
Obtains a list of dates of all solar terms beginning with Lichun in spring of given gregorian year.<D extends EastAsianCalendar<?, D>>
DSolarTerm.onOrAfter(D date)
Determines the date when this solar term will happen on or after given date.<D extends EastAsianCalendar<?, D>>
Obtains an operator which searches for this solar term on or after Lichun event in the gregorian year corresponding to the East Asian calendar date in question.<D extends EastAsianCalendar<?, D>>
Obtains an operator which searches for this solar term on or after New Year of the East Asian calendar date in question.