Time4J is thought as a complete and high-end replacement for old java classes around java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar and java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This project is also intended as first-class alternative to the popular libraries JodaTime and its successor JSR-310 (Threeten) since the target audience of Time4J will not only be business Java developers, but also developers with a more scientific background (for example extended time scale support including leap seconds or historically accurate dates).
See Git-Repository. The open-source licence is LGPLv2.1. The latest versions v5.9.4 (for Java 8 or later) and v3.50 (final - for Java 6+7) are also available in Maven Central Repository. For the Android platform: Please look at the sister project Time4A.
API for Time4J-v5.9.4 (english)
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